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x 4 ovals with your family crest hand engraved twice and your initials in monogram form x2

2mm thick with had made very solid chain

any questions please call whatsapp 07918977812

Hand Engraving included within the price and turnaround time is 4 to 6 weeks as from placing the order

9ct gold cuff links x 4 ovals with hand made chain


A sign of quality

Masters Hand Engravers is a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen. The Guild continues a long-established tradition of bringing together skilled people engaged in a trade, craft or profession in order to safeguard the interests of the public. Look for the Guild emblem, which can only be used by members of the Guild of Master Craftsmen.

Choose a tradesman who is a craftsman.

Follow this link to view the Guild aims and objectives

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